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Universite Sainte-Anne
Trousse pédagogique pour la formation à distance (FAD)
Resources in English
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Trousse pédagogique pour la formation à distance (FAD): Resources in English
Approches et pratiques
Outils technopédagogiques
Ressources supplémentaires
Développement professionnel
Resources in English
Microsoft Education
An overview of Microsoft Education
New features of Microsoft Education - February 2024
Microsoft Teams
A series of webinars on the functionalities of Teams
Guide, Inviting students to Teams meetings and setting up recurring classes
Work with colleagues to create, edit, and review forms in Microsoft Teams
Create an assignment in Microsoft Teams
Video tutorial : Creating assignments in Teams
Distance Education
A Practical ChatGPT Toolkit for Teachers
Catlin Tucker, 3 Ways to Use Video Conferencing with Students Learning Remotely
Microsoft Forms
Create a quiz with Microsoft Forms
Video tutorial : How to Create a Quiz with Microsoft Forms
Video tutorial : Microsoft Forms Quizzes and Surveys
Adjust your form or quiz settings in Microsoft Forms
Développement professionnel