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Inernational Baccalaureate Research Guide: Books

Search our catalogue (Novanet)

To find books, search our catalogue, Novanet, first. Novanet contains the collections of all academic libraries in Nova Scotia as well as Mount Allison University in New Brunswick.

Type a title, an author, or another keyword in the search box below to begin.

Retriving books from the shelves

Using call numbers

When you search for a book in our catalogue, you will need to write down the call number in order to find it on the shelves. Books at our library are arranged by alpha-numeric call number (e.g. PR 3551 B873 1950). The letters and numbers ensure that many books on one subject are found together on the shelves. It's a good idea to have a look at the "neighbours" of the book that you find on a particular subject, because you might find more useful sources.

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